There’s no denying it. In a few days, I’ll reach milestone 30. While 30 may strike fear and anxiety for some people, I find excitement, joy, and thankfulness to be the overwhelming feelings. Why do I have to fear 30, or why do I have to be anxious about 30? No reason. For me, my age will represent 30 years of goals achieved, blessings counted, and dreams aspired.
When I was young, I never dreamed of celebrating my 30th birthday. With countless pneumonias and infections, I quickly learned to enjoy my healthy days and to endure the difficult days. There were numerous times when I didn’t talk about my life in terms of years—but in terms of days. During those times, I remember my simple plea: “I want to do things.”
At nearly 30 now, God has blessed and continues to bless my life with countless opportunities “to do things.” He has allowed me to achieve my college and graduate education; He has shown me His beautiful handiwork at the banks of the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, not to mention Niagara Falls and tops of some mountains; He has provided me with a job that utilizes my education and talents; He has introduced me to a variety of people and cultures. My simple plea has exploded beyond my imagination!
Reflecting on my 30 years, I see how God heard my plea as a child, took my hand, and has been leading me on an adventure beyond my wildest expectations. I’m not saying the adventure has always been fun; there have been multiple bumps along the way, and I know the bumps will continue to come. But with God leading, I’m confident the adventure will go on, even with the speed bumps.
I don’t know what my 30th year will hold. I don’t know what lessons I’ll learn; I don’t know what things I’ll do; I don’t even know what bumps I’ll have to maneuver. But I do know it is only because of God that I can celebrate my “turning thirty.”