A few months ago, I was searching through a file when I ran across a detailed program/schedule of the Smidt Family Christmas Eve. I couldn’t help but smile, remembering how I tirelessly outlined all the times of the events to take place that evening- from the candlelit dinner to bedtime. I gently placed the schedule back in the file, recalling my ambition and motivation for detailing such an evening.
It was a couple weeks before Christmas, and like all other children I was beside myself with excitement. The tree was decorated; cookies were baked, and wrapped surprises were slowly appearing under the tree with each passing day. With all the anticipation and excitement swirling within me, I wanted some way to contribute to the festivities. I couldn’t decorate the tree; I couldn’t bake; I couldn’t wrap gifts. How was I going to add my special touch to the holiday?
“What can I do?” I asked Mom each day.
After a few days of my asking, Mom came up with an idea. “I think you should make a program for our Christmas Eve… a schedule of sorts, so we know what we are going to do when,” she suggested.
That was it; that was something I could do! I pulled out six pieces of paper, my crayons, Christmas stickers, a ruler, and an ink pen. Mom wanted Christmas programs, so I was going to make sure these programs were decked to her satisfaction. I folded; I colored; I stuck my stickers; I wrote, and two days later, I gently laid six individual Smidt Family Christmas Eve programs on the front hall table. It was finally Christmas Eve, and in a few short hours it would finally be Christmas.
When I ran across this creation from 20 years ago, it made me smile, but yet at the same time it made me a little sad. In those 20 years since, it seems like the “finally Christmas” excitement and anticipation has slowly been replaced with an “already Christmas” feeling. As one gets older, one assumes more responsibilities; life changes, and days get busier with families, work, and appointments. Time seems to spin faster, and before long one is left saying, “It’s ALREADY Christmas.”
I’m no different. My yearly juggling act of family, friends, work, and other commitments becomes a highly entertaining circus act in December… and I’m left saying, “It’s ALREADY Christmas.” Gone are the days of “what can I do”; gone are the days of detailing a Smidt Christmas Eve program. Already Christmas remains.
I’ll admit I miss those days of having nothing better to do than wait for Christmas… and then exclaim on Christmas morning “It’s FINALLY Christmas!” But Finally Christmas will never be totally erased in my life because I’m continually reminded of the true Finally Christmas.
Over 2,000 years ago, on a quiet, clear night… there were heavenly hosts just waiting to hear the first cry from Jesus. Imagine waiting to declare the good news to the shepherds; I imagine the angels couldn’t wait to sing… even if it was going to startle those shepherds out of their cloaks.
Jesus cried. And behold angels appeared in the black sky announcing, “Unto you a Savior has been born; He is Christ the Lord!” Jesus was here; salvation had come to the world. The angels were excited and spreading the news of the joyous arrival… IT WAS FINALLY CHRISTMAS!!
May the angel’s excitement and joy invade Christmas this year… so Christmas morning may dawn with a chorus of “It’s FINALLY Christmas! Glory to God in the highest!”
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